We are a parent-initiated daycare center (EKT / Eikita), also often referred to as a "Kinderladen" (Kila). In practice, this means that certain tasks are taken on by parents according to their availability and talents.
All regulations that apply to state childcare centers also apply to a parent-initiated daycare center. This includes meeting certain staffing requirements (care provided by a specific number of state-certified educators), standards regarding facilities and hygiene, and so on. The funding is similar to that of state childcare centers.
The "Kinderladen" (Kila) is a registered association, and when a childcare contract is signed for a child, the parents become members of the association. For each child, the parental contribution set by the Youth Welfare Office under the Kita Cost Participation Act must be paid, along with an additional membership fee. This additional fee allows us to forgo parental duties like cooking or cleaning and ensures that we can provide a balanced, organic, vegetarian diet.
All members of the association make decisions together, democratically. This takes place at membership meetings, held about four times a year, where organizational, financial, and personnel decisions are discussed and voted on.
The parent meetings are prepared and led by the educators, giving parents insight into the daily life and development of their children.
In our Kinderladen, a maximum of 18 children aged 1 to 6 play, craft, cuddle, and learn together with 2 ½ educators. Our educators are supported by an intern doing a voluntary social year and a volunteer in the Federal Voluntary Service, who also handle the household tasks in our Kinderladen.
Our favorable educator-to-child ratio and the consistency of caregivers benefit our children. The mixed-age group of 1 to 6 years and the size of the group offer the children a great opportunity to learn social skills. Ideally, a child is cared for by the same caregivers until they start school. Of course, the different age groups have very different needs, which is why there are additional activities for the "older" children (from around 3 years old), such as weekly creative gymnastics and danse, a weekly action day, the annual overnight stay in the Kinderladen, and the annual Kinderladen trip.
Our educational work is inspired by the Reggio approach
Quote: "Only when feeling and imagination awaken, does intelligence blossom"; Loris Malaguzzi) The situational approach, and anything that is fun. Our concept is centered around providing children with an environment where they feel safe and accepted. We want our children to learn voluntarily and spontaneously, without pressure to perform, with plenty of movement and ample space for free play.
The Kinderladen is meant to be a second home for our children. For this reason, the parent initiative is also an important foundation of our concept, culminating in the shared celebrations throughout the year (Summer Festival, Lantern Festival, Christmas, and birthdays).